Formatting woes. A #selfpublishing journey

Man oh man. Who knew formatting your book on CreateSpace could be so. freaking. hard? But I must plug away at it. MUST. I’d love, love, love any helpful tips on how a mac user, using Pages version 5.2 (the one no one should ever use to format your book, apparently), can actually please CreateSpace’s pesky guidelines.

In other words, HELP. ME.

That’s all for today.

Off to writing something joyful…

One thought on “Formatting woes. A #selfpublishing journey

  1. I so feel you, cousin! I’ve muscled my way through createspace’s guidelines a couple times (just for the kindle version, though). It’s a right nasty beast. I totally know your pain. I’m cheering you on, though! You can do it! It’ll be such a thrilling feeling to have it all done!

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