I began writing as a student at Pepperdine University, where I experimented in everything from screenwriting and playwriting to poetry and journalism. Four years later and several finished pieces under my belt, I was awarded the Outstanding Creative Writer of 2004 by my professors and graduated magna cum laude with a BA in Communications, Creative Writing.

Today, I enjoy exploring my imagination daily. I live in Los Angeles, CA with my amazingly supportive husband, Alejandro and adorable parakeet, Sebastian. Free time together = city walking, coffee house exploring, new food finding, and red wine tasting. Free time alone = writing, reading, and imagining. Currently, I’m working as a freelance writer and supporting my husband by being our home’s “banker,” “chef,” and “property manager.” I enjoy crafting palpable worlds and characters that will enthrall young readers and stir in them a desire to explore their own creative endeavors. To publish a novel some day would be truly sweet. (OK, let’s be honest. To publish multiple novels would be entirely dreamy. But until then, I write as an unpublished hopeful, graciously receiving feedback from my husband, mom, and friend James. Massive thanks to you all.)

2 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. I share your passion for the written word (especially on the, yes, magical days) as well as your state of residency. Keep it going!

    Oh, I just wrote on the profile of a successful blogger in reference to the art of writing, if it interests.

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